WLS Catalog Search:

For Children
and Families

The cheery yellow Children’s Room is just right for family visits. Once in the door, families can attend programs, study in the breakout room, use the family restroom and relax in the enclosed room. Timely displays, coloring pages and a few colorful toys make it a familiar and fun place.

Family Puppet Show

Monday, December 30th at 1pm. 

This performance of Goldilocks and the Three Bears is intended for ages 3-6, but all ages are welcome.

Advanced registration is requested, please email Kim Naples knaples@briarcliffmanorlibrary.org. Sponsored by The Friends of the Briarcliff Manor Public Library.


Candy Houses

Friday, December 27th at 12:30pm.

Join us for a fun craft making candy houses. All materials will be supplied.

Advanced registration is requested, please email Kim Naples knaples@briarcliffmanorlibrary.org.


Make Your Own Slime

Monday, December 16th at 3:30pm.

Make your own slime at the Library! For ages 5-10. All materials will be provided.

Please register: email Kim knaples@briarcliffmanorlibrary.org

Baby Storytime

Baby Storytime is offered for infants ages 0-18 months and their caregivers.

Mondays at 11am with Debbie. December dates: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th.


Lego Free Play

This program is open to youth ages 4 and up. We meet every Tuesday 3:30-4:30pm.

December dates: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st.

Reading to Rover

Reading to Rover is a program for 1st – 5th graders to gain comfort and build excitement around reading aloud. This program is offered in the fall and spring.

Registration for December dates are open.

Thursdays, December 5th and 12th.

To register, please contact Library Staff Assistant Bill Townsend. Call him at (914) 941-7072 ext. 4 or email him at wtownsend@briarcliffmanorlibrary.org.

Chess Lessons

Join Debbie to learn how to play chess. We will meet Wednesdays in December at 3:30pm; the 4th, 11th, and 18th.

Please contact Debbie to register or answer questions: dcoppola@briarcliffmanorlibrary.org


Children's Rotating Art Exhibit

Children’s art (or poetry) is on display in the children’s breakout room.  Register for a month to display your child’s art.  We are happy to display the art of any child or any age.  To display, please contact Director Kim Naples. Call her at (914) 941-7072 ext. 6 or email her at director@briarcliffmanorlibrary.org.